miércoles, 14 de junio de 2017



LOCALITATION :The Galapagos Islands1 (also Galapagos islands and officially Colón archipelago1 or Galapagos archipelago2) constitute an archipelago of the Pacific Ocean located 972 km from the coast of Ecuador. It consists of thirteen large islands with a surface area greater than 10 km², six median islands with an area of 1 km² to 10 km² and another 215 small islets, as well as rocky promontories of a few square meters, distributed around the equator land.
Resultado de imagen para localizacion de las islas galapagos
HOW TO GET THERE : HOW TO GET TO GALÁPAGOS. - Several airlines communicate Galapagos with the mainland, either from Quito or Guayaquil. We use LAN, the same with which we travel to Ecuador from Spain. The islands with international airport are Baltra and San Cristóbal, whose IATA code is GPS and SCY respectively
WHAT TO DO : In the Galapagos Islands you can develop a number of activities, which will allow you to fully enjoy the natural environment that surrounds them. A trip to Galapagos involves during your stay activities such as hiking, diving and surfing (for experienced), snorkeling, and observation of several of its marine and terrestrial species, while enjoying the fascinating life aboard a boat or lodging in One of the islands hotels.
Resultado de imagen para actividades en galapagos

WHEN TO GO :Once you make the decision to get to know the Galapagos Islands, one of the main topics to be defined is the best time of the year to visit them. Let's see then when to travel to the Galapagos Islands.

In the event that you can travel in any month of the year, two factors determine when to visit the islands: the climate and the presence of species.

The climate of the Galapagos Islands

Although the islands are located on the equator, the temperature of the ocean surface varies greatly, between 7 and 28 degrees Celsius throughout the year. Its climate is strongly influenced by surface temperature and ocean currents, which creates microclimates that influence the particular habitats of the flora and fauna of each island.
Resultado de imagen para clima de galapagos
WHAT TO EAT :The gastronomy of the Galapagos Islands can be defined as varied, although a wide range of recipes predominates whose main ingredients come from the sea. The most common way to prepare most fish recipes is ceviche style, that is, marinated with lemon. Here we show you the most important dishes of galapagueña gastronomy.

Next you have an index with all the points that we are going to treat in this article.


Typical dishes of the Galapagos Islands
Seafood rice
Cod with potatoes
Green stripe
Ceviche de canchalagua
Cassava bread
Seafood soup
Resultado de imagen para comida de galapagos
BUDGET: Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands have been officially "dollarized". US dollars are accepted on all islands. Mastercard and Visa are the most accepted credit cards, while American Express is not as commonly accepted. The bank on the islands is El Banco del Pacífico.

There is also the Banco del Fomento, but it is used to carry out transactions for the premises, and it is very slow. The Bank of Pacifico In Puerto Ayora: Here you can change your travelers checks with a 5% commission (it does not make sense, we know!) The bank is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Saturdays 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Personal checks from other banks are not accepted.

ATMs operate 24 hours and accept VISA, Cirrus and Mastercard. The islands are not economical in any sense, so it calculates a budget of $ 60 a day per person for basic lodging and food. Everything else is extra. But keep in mind that this is a unique opportunity, so do not miss out on the extraordinary because of a low budget.

Accommodation can range from $ 20 to over $ 150 per night per person; Sometimes it is possible to negotiate if you plan to stay some nights in one place ... but be prepared to pay around double the prices of continental Ecuador
Imagen relacionada

martes, 19 de abril de 2016


Nombre :Luis sibri_sebastian yunganaula
Apellido :sibri_yunganaula
Edad :15,15
Fecha de nacimiento :02/10/2000 _09/04/2001
Estado civil :solteros